Sibilla Oskam - Praktische taalvaardigheid voor Engels in het basisonderwijs - Uitspraak en grammatica
Deel 1 n Uitspraak
Unit 11
Please, close thedoorwhenyou leave. I alwayshave aglass ofmilk for lunch. Tellme, doyou like that leather ball? Wherewere you last night? What is shewearing for thewedding? Hemarried awealthywidow.
Unit 12
I have seen a lot of tennis on television lately. Put thekeyonmy table. Giveme apen and apieceof paper, please. Wouldyou care for a cupof coffee? You cankeep the change.
I hurtmywrist andmy thumb. Write thisdown. Half apoundof salmon, please. Listen tome!
Unit 13
Ringmewhenyou return. My country, right orwrong. PrinceCharles presented theprize. That colour is reallygreat! Peter andRichard are comingover. Markmywords! OxfordStreet is the thirdon the right.
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