Hilary A. Philips - Taaltempo Engels

and has she?

she has got a car/motorbike (too) yes, I can (dance) she can dance too she is happy/unhappy I am happy/unhappy (too) it is too hot/pleasant

can you dance? and can she?

is she happy or unhappy?

and you?

is it too hot or pleasant? are you cold or warm?

I am cold/warm yes, he is (cold) she is cold too I am cold too yes, I am (tired) she is tired too yes, it is (clear) yes, he can (swim) I can swim too yes, it is (cold) I am late/early he is late/early (too)

is he cold? and is she? and you?

are you tired? and is she?

is it clear?

can he swim?

and you?

is the water cold? are you late or early?

and is he?

is he alone or with his friend?

he is alone/with his friend I am alone/with my friend (too) I am married/single he is married/single (too) she is married/single (too) I have got two/three children

and you?

are you married or single?

and is he? and is she?

have you got two or three children?

and David? he has got two/three children (too) are you a teacher or a translator? I am a teacher/translator and is she? she is a teacher/translator (too) is he Dutch or German? he is Dutch/German and is she? she is Dutch/German (too) are you thirsty? yes, I am (thirsty) and is he? he is thirsty too is she hungry? yes, she is (hungry) and you? I am hungry too is there a restaurant? yes, there is (a restaurant)


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