Hilary A. Philips - Taaltempo Engels



Exercise 1 | Introductory chit-chat

Present simple : be – can – have got


are you …? am I …? is she …? and is he …? is there …? can it …? are you …?

I am

you are

she is he is

there is it can

I am he is

is he …?

and am I …? can you …? and can she …? and can he …? are there …? have I got …? is it …?

you are

I can

she can he can

it is

there are

you have got she has got

and has she got …? and has it got …?

it has got

is he …?

he is she is

and is she …? can she …? and can I …? and can it …? is there …?

she can you can it can there is

B – all positive answers

are you at home?

yes, I am (at home) yes, she is (here)

is she here? and is he?

he is here too has he got a car or a motorbike? he has got a car/motorbike


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