English publications by Uitgeverij Coutinho 2018/2019
English Grammar through Dutch Eyes
Tony Foster, Martijn Lemmen, Dick Smakman, Aletta G. Dorst & Philomeen Dol
Eg English Grammar through Dutch Eyes Tony Foster, Martijn Lemmen, Dick Smakman, Aletta G. Dorst, Philomeen Dol
Foster, Lemmen, Smakman, Dorst, Dol English Grammar through Dutch Eyes
To be able to understand and speak a language well, you need to know the rules of that language. Ideally, learn- ing these rules should be as enjoyable and easy as possible. This is where our book and its accompanying website come into the picture: English Gram mar through Dutch Eyes is a contras- tive English grammar. Its focus on the differences with Dutch makes it easier for Dutch-speaking students to learn the rules of English. It also gives teachers and future teachers an idea of which areas of English grammar are more difficult to teach. The many examples and flowcharts make the rules easier to grasp. The light-hearted tone and the authors’ enthusiasm about the importance of grammar in everyday communication make for a more accessible and stu- dent-friendly read. On the website, the authors explain a variety of grammatical topics in short web clips. The online factsheets offer quick reference for those who want to know more about topics not dealt with in the book. Finally, each chapter comes with exercises that learn- ers can do to check their understanding of the reading. For instructors there are PowerPoints, test questions and a concise teacher’s manual.
de 29-08-18 14:30
u i t g e v e r ij
c o u t i n h o
+ Companion website & teachers material
192 pages
€ 28,50
VV ISBN 978 90 469 0635 4
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