Janene van Loon, Arnoud Thüss, Nicole Schmidt and Kevin Haines - Academic Writing in English

1.8 Academic papers: the research report

TASK 13 Read the argumentative introduction above and list the words that are new to you or which you would not have used spontaneously. Research these words and describe their meanings in English.

TASK 14 Use the following build-up Models to write an argumentative introductory paragraph on one of the two topics listed below.

Argument The laws governing dismissal should be relaxed. The reasons are: 1 Unemployment will decrease. 2 The workforce will become more flexible and more mobile. 3 Companies will have lower legal expenses. Argument The government should increase taxes on unhealthy food. The reasons are: 1 It will encourage people to purchase healthier food. 2 It will reduce obesity in adults and children. 3 It will boost the farming industry.

TASK 15 Write an introductory argumentative paragraph on a topic that is current in your field of study.


Academic papers: the research report

The research report provides ameans for scientists to communicate with fellow scientists about the results of their research. In the report, you may describe the results of your own research, critically review someone else’s research, or develop new theories on the basis of other people’s research. Good planning is important both when you do research and when you write a report based on the results of it. The research process typically has these phases: ■■ define the problem or the question; ■■ find information; ■■ decide how you are going to solve the problem or answer the question;


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