Janene van Loon, Arnoud Thüss, Nicole Schmidt and Kevin Haines - Academic Writing in English

1 Introduction to academic writing

The introduction of an argumentative essay not only announces the topic but also describes it in appropriate detail. Background information concern ing issues related to your topic can be mentioned, but you should avoid a lengthy and unnecessary historical review. Instead, try to predict the amount of knowledge that your audience has and, unless absolutely essential to your essay, avoid lecturing on what they are already likely to know. Some of the current debates surrounding the topic should be discussed as you narrow down to your thesis statement. 1A These days, there is a great deal of talk about the reform of the Security Council, concerning the World Governing Councils (WGCs), otherwise known as the most prominent teams of the Council, tasked with regulating inter national violence. 1B Although such governing bodies were once regarded as exclusive institutions, many scholars are beginning to advocate an increase in the politics of inclusivity. 1C In fact, a series of well-known historical events in 1815, 1919, 1945, and post-Cold War, have caused a steady trend toward more inclusive politics within these councils. 1D Furthermore, it has been shown that, as a result of each episode, the variety of political contributors has steadily broadened; transparency has increased in the development of constitutive rules and procedures; and the marked growth of the WGCs has occurred at the same time as the number of veto points has subsided. Therefore, this trend of favouring inclusivity is not only legitimate; it is already occurring and leading toward increased effectiveness in the WGCs. Model 3  Introduction argumentative essay

From this Model introduction to an essay, you can infer the following build up Model of argument and reasons.

Argument The Security Council should continue to adopt politics of inclusion. The reasons are: 1 Increased input causes more transparent policy. 2 Growth in these governing bodies results in a decrease in vetoes.


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