Walter Geerts & René van Kralingen - The Teachers' Handbook
TheTeachers’ Handbook
we discuss the difference between the BOL 6 and BBL 7 educational pathways in more detail. Additionally, we describe how internships are constructed and how students effectively select a suitable internship. We also shed light on how teach ers can advise students throughout their internships. Due to the fact that many different subjects can be chosen at ROCs and that students are exposed to a variety of teachers, it is of utmost importance to offer a coherent programme. Internships should be intertwined with lessons as much as theory should be intertwined with practice. In Chapter 13 we illustrate the connection between ‘AVO subjects’ 8 and practical subjects. In addition, we dis cuss the ways in which career qualification records, stipulating competencies and work processes in MBO, work differently from the testing procedures used in VMBO education. In the MBO system, more parties are involved. Structural cooperation is in place with trade organisations. In turn, they organise collabo ration with supervisors from companies and institutions. In short, senior voca tional education is a world in itself. We will prepare you for that world.
6 BOL stands for Beroepsopleidende leerweg , or ‘school-based vocational education’. BOL students spend 20-60 percent of their time in classroom study and the rest in work placements. 7 BBL stands for Beroepsbegeleidende leerweg , or ‘work-based vocational education’. BBL students spend at least 60 percent of their training as apprentices in the workplace. 8 AVO stands for algemeen vormend onderwijs , or general education. This term covers subjects like Dutch, English, maths, geography and history.
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