Walter Geerts & René van Kralingen - The Teachers' Handbook
5.4 Forms of assessments according to Miller’s pyramid 5.4.1 ‘Knows’ level and how to create open questions 5.4.2 ‘Knows how’ level and tips for case studies 5.4.3 ‘Shows how’ level and tips for transparency (e.g. a rubric)
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5.4.4 ‘Does’ level and the use of triangulation
5.5 Assessment and grading
5.5.1 The value of a grade and the appearance of precision
5.5.2 Transparent, valid, reliable and usable
5.5.3 Determining pass levels of tests with open-ended or closed-ended questions
5.5.4 Analysing grades
5.5.5 Undesirable grade culture (with a focus on merely passing)
5.6 Reflection
DEEL B How can I work effectively with groups?
Group Processes
6.1 A pleasant group
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6.1.1 Group norms 6.1.2 Group cohesion
6.1.3 Quadrants: group norms and cohesion 6.2 Individual needs of a student within a group
6.2.1 Safety by belonging
6.2.2 Influence
6.2.3 Personal contact
6.2.4 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
6.3 Directing the group process
6.3.1 Forming 6.3.2 Storming 6.3.3 Norming 6.3.4 Performing 6.3.5 Adjourning
6.4 Mapping out group relationships
6.4.1 Learning to observe the individual student
6.4.2 Making a sociogram
6.5 Bullying
6.5.1 What is bullying?
6.5.2 The parties involved and their behaviour
6.5.3 What to do about bullying?
6.5.4 Cyberbullying
6.6 Reflection
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