Katja Verbruggen en Welmoed Hoogvorst - Start.nl – deel 1
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On the website Grammar and Vocabulary
1 – Hoe heet je?
introduce someone / yourself say where you come from ask where someone comes from spell count to 10 ask / say how you are ask / say what you are studying
personal pronouns (singular) possessive pronouns (singular)
regular verbs (singular) irregular verbs (singular)
2 – Wat zijn je hobby’s? talk about hobbies invite someone
personal pronouns (plural) possessive pronouns (plural) inversion verb conjugation (plural)
say you like / dislike something ask what someone likes to do count to 100
3 – Wie is dat?
talk about your family talk about appearance and character
articles plural of nouns negation: geen
4 – Wat doe je?
talk about daily activities tell time ask when something will happen
separable verbs reflexive verbs inversion irregular verbs: zullen, kunnen, willen, mogen
(what day, what time) make an appointment
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