Joy de Jong - Effective Strategies for Academic Writing
B PhD writers (thesis, journal article)
2.6 The doctoral thesis: identifying the procedures, process, and products 2.6.1 Why pay attention to procedures, process, and product? 2.6.2 Where can you find information on procedures, processes, and products? 2.6.3 Questions on the procedures, processes, and products 2.7 A journal article: identifying procedures, process, and products 2.7.1 Why pay attention to procedures, process, and product? 2.7.2 Where can you find information on procedures, processes, and products?
43 43
43 44 45 45
45 45
2.7.3 Questions on procedures, processes, and products
Final thoughts on setting the scene
Making a plan: the what, why, and how of planning 48
Picturing your research: what are you going to research and why?
53 54 55 60 60 60 63 63 64 66 66 67 71 71 72 77 78 78 78
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Working your way from topic to research plan
3.3 The model step by step
3.4 Picturing the what: narrowing down the topic
3.4.1 Introduction
3.4.2 The steps
3.5 Picturing the what: positioning the topic in its academic field (disciplinary embedding)
3.5.1 Introduction
3.5.2 The steps
3.6 Picturing the what: formulating the question
3.6.1 Introduction
3.6.2 The steps
3.7 Picturing the what: formulating the answer
3.7.1 Introduction
3.7.2 The steps
3.8 Concluding the what question
3.9 Picturing the why: reason, relevance, objective
3.9.1 Introduction
3.9.2 The steps
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